However, another well-known antagonist of the series who is also fascinated by the idea of world domination, Magneto, learns about this intent of Apocalypse. One of the better known adversaries of X-Men, Apocalypse, turns this weakened state of the team to an opportunity and with the aid of a mysterious figure and the cloning technology supplied by him, he sets out to capture the members and form his army of X-Clones. Apparently, the events take place in the aftermath of the heroes' battle with a powerful psionic entity named Onslaught (which was published as a mini-series in the form of comics in 1996) that left the earth ravaged and the mutants spent.Įffectively tying the license and the game together, the developers then expand the licensed universe from this premise. This deal left the expanded team (composed of three original members of and additional developers from another modding-based company, ) with a mere three months to turn the basic concept into a full-fledged game.Before starting up the game, a decently done (albeit lacking voice-overs) 'CyberComic' intro sets up the scene. They agreed to publish Ravages of Apocalypse on the condition of it being completed in time for Christmas sales of the same year. With the work already done on monsters and a design plan at hand, the team knocked the door of Marvel. With the help of (a programmer already experienced in QuakeC owing to his Quess and Quake Rally mods) who made the required changes to the monster behaviour and attack patterns, the project quickly arose an interest in the Quake community. Putting Abyss of Pandemonium aside (which was published four months later), it is also the last add-on to be released before the launch of Quake II.According to the background information supplied on the, what became a commercial product in the end started its life as a mod in early 1997, when the team leader chose to test his modelling skills by creating X-Men characters as replacements for Quake monsters. An add-on that may or may not bring gameplay changes but must replace all the game assets that are viewable on-screen) among the plethora of unofficial. Written by:(484)Written on:Aug 05, 2012Platform:DOSRating:4 out of 4 people found this review helpful of this gameread more reviewsSummaryA mixed bag of a TC.The Good Overview and StorylineX-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse is the third and the final 'Total Conversion' (i.e.