The 12.7mm submachine gun (GRA) is a weapon added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal. 14 Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Additionally, all the peculiarities of the original Fallout 2 M3A1 image are kept. Andrew Morton uncovers the true story of the biggest celebrity of our age. DPS (reload) WW2 Thompson Submachine Gun - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Requests: After getting hold of the (only) submachine gun in the game, I was disappointed to find out that the only type of magazine available for it were drums. Found insideThe classic apocalyptic novel that stunned the world. The silver submachine gun is a unique weapon that can be found and obtained within the Commonwealth, in Fallout 4. The plot chronicles the fortunes of the Lackadaisy speakeasy after its founder is murdered. Louis with a population of anthropomorphic cats. The comic is set in a Prohibition-era St. As the 9mm SMG is a one-handed weapon, it can be equipped without reducing movement speed. 19 It fires fast, is fairly accurate, durable, the ammo is everywhere and cheap. Fallout: New Vegas is the fourth installment in the long-running Fallout series. WW2 Thompson submachine gun (M1928A1) - posted in New Vegas Mod Requests: So i've seen the Thompson submachine gun mods, all are gangster/ drum variant of the weapon, it seems no one wants to acknowledge the wartime variant, I understand the vegas/mobster theme, but i'm a lover of military weapons, so why can't anyone make a military style Thompson submachine gun. Read our Fallout New Vegas Weapons Guide for full breakdown of these weapons, and read below, where you can find these unique weapons. 4 The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic Nevada, roughly four years after (but not influenced by) the events of the previous title, Fallout 3.It was developed by Obsidian Entertainment (Alpha Protocol) and published by Bethesda in 2010.The game is available for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. 9mm SMGOne-handed guns Found insideAccompanied only by his prized Ferguson rifle, Ronan Chantry heads west into unknown territory, and discovers the extent of his courage when he draws the enmity of a man who will do anything and kill anyone for gold.