everyone is downloading mods from nexus.mods that were created b4 the latest beta patch. However, when I went to install the FOMODs with Nexus Mod Manager but just at the end of the installation of the Main file NMM crashes and. Just don't try Nexus Mod Manager at least until the dev of Mod Organizer does his magic.

Make sure you only install mods that go into your Data Folder, utilities like NVSE and. I think I got Anti Crash installed, but not sure. everytime i try to uninstall a mod it says this in the NMM Nexus mod manager has encountered an error and needs to close.

I crash when I activate the mod in the mods folder, I crash when I click the check box of the mod in. I crash on three separate occasions involving Plug-In mods. Nexus mod manager crashes when installing mods