Definitely the game’s weakest aspect by far. The gameplay outside the battles themselves is pretty terrible as you simple play repetitive tournaments over and over again with almost no variation or meaningful side content. It’s adding mechanics where it wasn’t necessary which makes it a bit obtuse. This would be like tapping the A button during a Pokémon battle to get stronger to the point of being able to take out a gym leader several levels higher than you. This is jarring as the game lets you ignore poor decisions by just tapping buttons or swinging the Wii remote around for extra power. Battles between the Bakugan themselves are a mix of strategically planning out your stats beforehand and spamming buttons after. Mainly they take too long and spam you with too many cutscenes which quickly makes it a chore to skip through them when they’re very clearly unnecessary. The game’s battles are fun but suffer from a few key issues.

Bakugan clearly tries to be the best it can be despite its many failings. This comes in contrast to similar games, like from the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise which rarely take advantage of the video game medium and tend to spawn unoriginal, copy pasted games. The Bakugan Drago who will soon become Dan's closest ally, begins to explain the origin of Bakugan and the Dimension of Vestroia. The Bakugan: Battle Brawlers was the very first Bakugan video game released for the Nintendo. This is pretty wonderful to see and might make or break the game for fans of Bakugan who want to see the game come to life before their eyes. Join Dan and his friends as they battle their Bakugan Brawlers to save Vestroia and Earth, and to restore peace throughout the two dimensions. Top War: Battle Game Tips Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You play the game as you normally would but with greatly expanded stage elements that wouldn’t be possible in real life. THE WORLD OF BAKUGAN COMES ALIVE: The arena bursts with incredible action and new play-mechanics take the Bakugan experience beyond cartoons and board games to a whole new level!ĮPIC STORYLINE OF GOOD vs.This game is a faithful and even expanded adaptation of the physical game for consoles and computers.

Answer the call to BRAWL and enter an alternative universe where good and evil fight for domination! Only YOU can decide the fate of the galaxy.